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President's Message

The Scottish Rite of Freemasonry is first and foremost an educational institution that has served as a beacon of enlightenment throughout its history. Instruction about the great ideals of morality, philosophy, religion, and philanthropy permeates our rituals and our writings, unencumbered by sectarian doctrine.

Thousands of Masons in Washington State each extend a warm invitation for you to become acquainted with the Fraternity and discover our mission.

One such endeavor, the Scottish Rite Scholarship Foundation of Washington, was established in 1958 by a coalition of Freemasons from across the state who understood the critical role of education in civil society.

The Rite's commitment to human progress and the values of liberty, freedom, and equal rights for all are guiding principles that drive our mission.

Morality, civics, patriotism, and philanthropy are ingrained in the fraternity's DNA and remain integral to the governance of this organization, its fund-raising strategy, and the selection criteria for scholarship. 

Explore our FAQ by ChatGPT section where cutting-edge AI technology meets the rich history of Freemasonry and the Scottish Rite.

Whether your next click is on 'How to Apply' or 'Donate' tabs, your engagement contributes to furthering our scholarship mission ultimately advancing human progress.

Left to Right:

Mark T. Quenneville, 32°, KCCH


Scottish Rite Scholarship Foundation of Washington


Illustrious James D. Cole, 33º

Sovereign Grand Commander

Supreme Council, 33º


M⸫W⸫ Edward C. Woods,

Past Grand Master

Grand Lodge of Washington


Illustrious Alvin W. Jorgensen, 33° 

Scottish Rite Orient of Washington 

Mark Quenneville, 32° KCCH

President of The Scottish Rite Scholarship Foundation of Washington

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